Management Plans - Understanding Your Risk

Water Pollution Management

Why Plan Ahead?

  • Reduces Operational Risk
    • Program delays
    • Cost over runs
  • Reduced risk of environmental incident
  • Reduced use of resources
  • Increased profit
  • Better stakeholder relations
Water Pollution Management Management Plans Understanding Your Risk 03

Understanding a Pollution Event

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Water Pollution Management Management Plans Understanding Your Risk 04 3


Three Key Aims
Minimise the source
Eliminate/Reduce the pathway
Protect the receptor

Factors Affecting Volumes of Surface Water

Water Pollution Management Management Plans Understanding Your Risk 07
  • Annual rainfall
  • Steepness of slope
  • Permeability of soil
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Run Off Estimation Small Catchments

CIRIA Method Less than 50 Ha

  • Step 1 Establish site annual average rainfall.
  • Step 2 Calculate catchment area (ha)
  • Step 3 Determine soil type
  • Step 4 Read unit runoff from table (litres per second per hectare)
  • Step 5 Select Return Period
  • Step 6 Peak flow (l/s) = Catchment area (ha) x Runoff Factor x Return Period Factor

Step 1: Establish the Annual Average Rainfall

Water Pollution Management Management Plans Understanding Your Risk 07
  • Rainfall Maps
  • Meteorological Stations

Step 2: Determine the Catchment Area

Water Pollution Management Management Plans Understanding Your Risk 08
  • OS Maps
  • Topographic Surveys
  • Site Walk Over

Step 3 Determine the Soil Class

Soil Class determines the amount of amount that soaks into the ground amount that can form run

Soil Class Run-off Potential Description
1 Very Low Well drained, sandy, loamy or earthy peat soils
2 Low Very permeable soils (e.g. gravels, sands with shallow groundwater or rock)
3 Moderate Very fine sands, silts and clays. Permeable soils with shallow groundwater in low lying areas
4 High Clayey or loamy soils
5 Very High Wet uplands, shallow rocky soils on steep slopes, peat with impermeable layers at shallow depth

Step 4: Determine the Mean Annual Peak Flow

Peak Flow Litres/Second/Hectare

Soil Type Annual Rainfall (mm)
<600 600 – 800 800 – 1200 1200 – 1600 1600 – 3200 >3200
1 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.9 1.7 2.4
2 1.4 1.8 2.8 4.1 7.7 10.8
3 2.6 3.4 5.2 7.7 14.4 20.1
4 3.3 4.4 6.7 9.9 18.6 26.0
5 4.2 5.5 8.4 12.4 23.3 32.7

Step 5: Calculate the Peak Flow

Peak Flow Litres/Second

Return period 2 5 10 25 50
Factor 1 1.22 1.48 1.88 2.22


The CIRIA Method does not take the slope of the site into account. For steep sites use the MAFF Method.

The CIRIA method has a number of conservative assumptions built into it, has a tendency to overestimate the peak flow.

Peak Flow Litres/Second

Construction Project in the S E England

Duration 2yrs
Catchment Area 5ha
Soil type Clayey
Project risk Medium
Step 1 Annual rainfall (SE England): <600mm/yr
Step 2 Catchment Area: 5Ha
Step 3 Soil class: Class 4 (clayey)

Worked Example (2 of 3)

Step 4: Determine the Mean Annual Peak Flow (Litres/sec/ha)


Soil Type Annual Rainfall (mm)
<600 600 – 800 800 – 1200 1200 – 1600 1600 – 3200 >3200
1 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.9 1.7 2.4
2 1.4 1.8 2.8 4.1 7.7 10.8
3 2.6 3.4 5.2 7.7 14.4 20.1
4 3.3 4.4 6.7 9.9 18.6 26.0
5 4.2 5.5 8.4 12.4 23.3 32.7

Worked Example (3 of 3)

Step 5 Select Return period
2-year duration
Medium Risk
Selected return period: 1:10 yrs
(giving a 19% probability of exceedance)
Return period multiplication factor 1.48
Step 6 Calculate Peak flow:
Catchment Area x Average unit run-off x Return period factor
5 x 3.3 x =1.48 24.4l/s = 88m3/hr

Understanding Risk

Water Pollution Management Management Plans Understanding Your Risk 15

High Risk and Low Risk Sites

Factor High Risk Low Risk
Steeply Sloping Sites High
Permeable Soil (eg sands and gravels) Low
High Rainfall Areas High
No direct connection to surface water body Low
Works required within or on banks of waterbody High
Site located within 500m of conservation area (SSSI) High
Receiving water body classified as good or moderate quality High
Receiving water body has high amenity value eg fishing, recreation or potable water abstraction High

Company Procedures


  • To ensure early identification of high sites
  • To ensure that water issues are considered within the early stages of a project, ideally before the site is purchased
  • To identify sites where additional technical support of the project team is required
  • To provide consistency in approach from one project to another
  • To develop routine monitoring programs to include the consideration of the water environment
  • To encourage a proactive approach to the management of project risks

Keep Moat Homes - Surface Water Management Plan

  1. Purpose
  2. Scope
  3. Process
  4. Site Details
  5. Change Log
  6. Surface Water Management Plan Sign Off
  7. Site Plan and Layout
  8. Site Features likely to indicate a High Pollution Risk Rating
  9. Water Sources and drainage infrastructure entering the site
  10. Capture Methods
  11. Treatment
  12. Discharge Point
  13. Permits, Licences and Consents
  14. Emergency Measures and Arrangements
  15. Monitoring Arrangements (locations marked on plan)
  16. Reporting
  17. Review Frequencies
  18. Equipment Standards


To reduce the risk of contamination of controlled waters caused by our work activities. Specifically, this involves:

  • Identifying sources of potential contamination (surface and silt water run-off, fuel and chemical storage, excavation pumping operations etc.)
  • Determining the receptors (water courses, ground water and foul drains) for any potential discharge and identifying whether this site is a ‘High’ risk development
  • Developing and implementing controls for minimising risk, through control and treatment
  • Utilising appointed technical consultants to assist in developing appropriate and effective methods of control
  • Ensuring effective Monitoring and Maintenance of pollution prevention measures
  • Developing a specific and effective Surface Water Management Plan, using this template
  • Preparation of an associated Pollution Incident Response Plan for emergency situations (HSS-FO-001-Spill)
  • Assurance of effectiveness through the implementation of inspection, monitoring and sampling measures, using the associated HSS-FO-001 Water Management & Pollution Prevention Inspection Checklists found on Airsweb.

Site Plan and Layout

  1. Location of this land within the construction site as a whole (if the plan covers only part of the site)
  2. Location of water courses (incl. culverted watercourses, land drains etc. ponds, wetlands, springs, ditches, estuaries and coast) on the construction site
  3. Details of water courses entering the site, surface water run-off, waterway etc.
  4. Location of surface water capture and treatment measures
  5. Details of existing drainage infrastructure on site

Site Features Likely to Indicate a High Pollution Risk Rating

  • Water course within 100 metres of site boundary
  • Discharge from site flows directly into a water course or surface water drainage network
  • Water course contains visible aquatic life (fish etc) or has been assessed as environmentally sensitive
  • Soils investigation identifies clay (impermeable materials)
  • Site exposed, or at high altitude or steep gradient
  • Rainfall prediction in location >1600 mm/year
  • Historical evidence indicates site suffers from seasonal flooding
  • Protected Areas (SSSI, national park etc) located within 500 m downstream
  • Groundwater level detected at installed pipe-work depths
  • Likely volumes of temporary discharge will exceed those designed for the final discharge consent
  • Local water course used as local amenity (fishing, boating, swimming)
  • Construction Program identifies that final discharge point will not be available in less than 3 months
  • Treatment of water discharge is likely to be required to achieve the quality standard of acceptability
  • Consortium site with shared collection and discharge outlets

How many positive answers does your site get?

0 Low Risk
1 – 7 Medium Risk
8+ High Risk

Site Features Likely to Indicate a High Pollution Risk Rating

For example:

  • Springs/Pumping Sources
  • Existing streams and ditches
  • Road Gullies/highway drainage

Provide details of:

  • Size
  • Outfall
  • Flow Rate
Water Pollution Management Management Plans Understanding Your Risk 22

Permits, Licences and Consents

  • Foul sewer
  • Surface/ground water discharge
  • Canal & River Trust Discharge


  • Abstraction and Other
  • Abstraction Licences
  • Standpipe Licences
  • Flood risk permits


Details of key criteria associated with the permit, licence/consent.

  • Discharge limits Flow and Composition
  • Permit Reference Number
  • Issuing Authority
  • Expiry Date

Monitoring Arrangements (Locations Marked on Plan)

What is the name of the feature to be monitored?

  • Unmade Ground (surface flows)
  • Excavations
  • Culverts
  • Settlement Ponds
  • Settlement Tanks
  • Site Water Entry Points
  • Site Water Exit Points
  • Gully inspections
  • Treatment Systems (eg silt fence)
  • Upstream Locations
How – Type of sampling

  • Visual Inspection
  • Field Measurement
  • Laboratory Analysis
  • Flow
  • Photographs

When – Frequency

  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Before expected storm
  • After a storm event

By Whom

  • Responsible Person
  • Client
  • External Body

Questions to Be Answered Before Starting Work

  1. How much water will be generated?
  2. Where will excess water be discharged to?
  3. What Permits, Consents, Licences will be required?
  4. How clean does the discharge need to be?
  5. How is the required treatment standard going to be achieved?
  6. How much land is required for treatment?
  7. How are we going to monitor compliance?
Simon Skentelbery

Simon Skentelbery

General Manager

John F Hunt Regeneration Ltd

London Road
RM20 4DB

M: 07967 306 517